Learn English Test for Junior High School
By Antonius
Generally, there are two main points of learning English Test for Junior High School Students, namely, reading and writing. We may ask why doesnot teacher design a transactional and interpersonal? Because they are taught orally in the teaching and learning activity. Reading test include functional text and genres, but writing include word order and sentence order.
Here, the teacher can tell them the material outline in each points. For example, reading test indicators outlines is clear, and also writing indicators clear too.
Reading test
A. Functional text (card, advertisement, message, letter,announcement)
In this text, the students focuses their learning through indicators that will be achieved. It can be shown below;
1. Determine the general idea of the text
2. Determine the specific idea of the text
3. Discover the synonym and antonym of the text
4. Discover the meaning of the word or phrase
5. Determine the reference word
B. Genres
In this kind of text, the students in all level of Junior High School focuses their learning through the schematic structure of the certain genres. Such as; descriptive, procedure, recount, narrative or report. The genres test form usually concern with the indicators that will be achieved. The indicators are stated above. In brief, they are;
1. Determine the general idea of the text
2. Determine the specific idea of the text
3. Discover the synonym and antonym of the text
4. Discover the meaning of the word or phrase
5. Determine the reference word
Writing Test
Writing test that is usually given to the Junior High School students in all level includes word and sentence order. In this test, students are expected to learn how the word or sentence built into good order. So, the indicators that will be expected are;
1. Able to arrange word into good sentence
2. Able to arrange sentence into good paragraph.
All ilustration that writer explains may not be the best tips for the tester (teacher) to construct a test in other Junior High School. Therefore I really request to all tester to exchange their best experience through their comment. I wait you soon
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